Photography is a mean of communication, an international language. A good picture, like a poem, can bring out feelings, ask questions, make your day. But only for those who can read it.
- I was born in Piraeus, Greece in 1963.
- Studied computer science and business in London and Spanish in Quito, Ecuador.
- Started taking pictures seriously in 1992, with main interest in travel and documentary photography.
- Member of the agencies On Location and IML Image Group from 1997-2013, with publications in numerous magazines and books, home and abroad.
- Cooperation among others with the Greek edition of National Geographic, the Culture Department of Municipality of Kalamata and the Hellenic Folklore Research Center of the Academy of Athens.
- Portfolio presentation from the leading Greek photo magazine ‘PHOTOGRAPHOS”, February 2010 issue.
- 1st prize in the Greek Fuji Press photo contest in 2002 and 2005.
- 1st prize in National Geographic Hellas contest in 2006.
- I have traveled in 30+ countries around the world, but my favorite places are South America and the Greek islands, where I shall focus my lenses the coming years to finish long time projects.